Pride Of Korea
Slim & Sleek Style
All in One POS System
200 SeriesEasy
Conversion by simple
assembly(Landscape/ Portrait)
Wide space for I/O Port connection
Outstanding Aluminum Ventilation
Multi-Simple POS System
150 Series
All-in-One POS with Internal Printer
Low heat, near-silent, fanless method implemented
Applied secured module to protect private information
Slim & Sleek Style POS System
100 Series
Low heat, near-silent, fanless method
The world's first left and right I / O placement for efficient management
Applied secured module to protect private information
Compact & Smart, Self Order
Durable and strong Hardware, Easy and convenient Touch Screen
Voice support for various languages
Various installation support by type, wall mount, desk type
Global POS Solution
Simple Cloud Based Management
with ASP Solution
Smart and intuitive system with POS, PC, PAD and mobile devices. Comprehensive store management system with central data management and a customer can operate immediately after sign up.
Unique solution for you
Customizable for the store operation and intuitive UI enables you to process from orders to tenders quickly and easily! Supports multi languages and connect to local companies.
Systematic management
Central management of sales, customer, employee, store, security. Systematic management and real time reporting enables you to check and analyze sales status which result in strategic sales planning and successful business operation.
Security server
No private information in POS Provide Amazon Cloud Server's service and store POS does not save any private information.
NEW Paradigm
CEO 인사말
최상의 서비스로 고객만족에 노력하는 정보통신기업
저희 HYOJUNG는 지난 17년간 베트남에 진출한 유수의 기업에 컴퓨터납품 및 네트워크구축,유무선통신,비즈솔루션개발등의 사업을 진행하여온 우수한 기술과 실무경험을 두루 갖춘 정보통신기업 입니다.
2018년 HYOJUNG SOFTTECH JSC로 사명을 변경, 그간 축적된 정보 통신 사업역량을 기반으로 PCPOS,신용카드 결제 ,출입통제시스템구축, 소프트웨어개발 및 유지보수 역량을 강화하고 있으며, IT컨설팅 능력 향상을 위하여 저희 임직원 모두 산업현장에서 전문기술교육을 의무적으로 수료하도록 하고 있습니다.
HYOJUNG SOFTTECH은 고객사의 성공적인 기업비즈니스와 다양한 IT Needs에 부응할 수 있도록 고객중심의 복합 IT서비스, 차별화된 종합IT컨설팅 서비스를 제공하고자 항상 최선을 다하겠습니다.